448- Blog Post

Breakable Toys is a pattern that shows the importance of learning through failure and trail and error in software development. It teaches that failure is inevitable in the learning process and encourages developers to create small,  projects where they can make mistakes without breaking something permanently . By building a toy systems with similar toolsets to their professional projects but on a smaller scale developers can push their abilities to the limit and gain experience. The pattern suggests building simple projects like wikis, calendars, or address books. These projects serve as opportunities to try out new ideas and techniques without the pressure of real-world consequences in a job scenario . They allow developers to learn from their mistakes, iterate, and grow as professionals. Examples of Breakable Toys include personal wikis, games like Tetris or Tic-Tac-Toe, blogging software, and IRC clients. The idea is to choose projects that are relevant and useful to the developer’s life, allowing them to invest time and effort into exploring different aspects of software development. The pattern also emphasizes the importance of enjoying the process of building these toys. If the projects become stressful, they are less likely to be learning experiences that are successful.Also , developers should be open to the possibility that their toys may evolve into something more significant or even gain other users over time. A classic example cited is Linus Torvalds’s creation of Linux, initially announced as a hobby project to build a small operating system similar to Minix. This shows how even the most significant projects can start as personal experiments or Breakable Toys. Overall, Breakable Toys encourage developers to embrace failure, take risks, and continuously seek opportunities for learning and growth in their craft. By building and iterating on these small projects, developers can expand their skill sets, deepen their understanding of tools and technologies, and ultimately become more proficient practitioners of software development. I have used breakable toys for a school setting but never for just for fun, after diving more to the pattern I will be deepening during my free time. 

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